

I specialize in being a generalist.

  • Experienced developer advocate, engineer, and technical writer.
  • Strong experience with API design, documentation, and evangelism.
  • Obsessed with automation, developer tooling, and understanding how systems interact.
  • Highly proficient in Python and designing workflow processes.
  • Strong interest in DevOps, systems architecture, and API design.
  • Experience working on remote teams (and only seeking a remote role).
  • Additional experience with app and web development technologies, including React and React Native.

Work Experience


to Present

Developer Relations Consultant

Consulted with a variety of companies to improve their public-facing developer resources, including documentation, blog posts, and other technical resources in a variety of industries: industrial robotic automation, usage-based billing for SaaS products, IoT hardware security, and Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS) companies.

Software Engineering

Primarily focused on Python-based projects as well as DevOps work; largely working in collaboration with academics and researchers.

Software/Code Integrity Startup


Developer Relations Consultant

  • Developed an understanding of the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) and software supply chain integrity regulatory space.
  • Produced an introductory guide to understand Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs).
  • Learned so, so much about upcoming software integrity regulations and SBOMs.
  • Feel free to ask me why I’ve chosen to redact this company’s name!



Developer Advocate

  • Collaborated with customer reliability engineering and technical support teams to improve and expand existing developer documentation.
  • Published several posts for the company blog and oversaw the publication of content produced by members of other teams.
  • Learned so, so much about HIPAA and related regulatory regimes.



Developer Relations Consultant

Launched a new website to centralize the company’s documentation and began a refresh of the content. A major component of this project was a tool for generating parallel documentation for C, C++, and Python libraries and integrating it into the new documentation site.


Developer Relations Engineer


Major projects

API documentation

  • Built an open-source Python library for parsing and editing OpenAPI Specification (OAS) schemas.
  • Designed and built a command line tool for adding documentation to bare machine-generated OAS schemas and for merging the API schemas for multiple backend services behind a single API gateway.
  • Wrote and managed the API documentation for multiple backend services.

Product demos

  • Planned and implemented the tech stack for the DevRel team’s demo presentation strategy.
  • Built a custom iPad app for presentations using React Native.
  • Managed the entire lifecycle of the iPad-based tech stack and of the app itself.
  • This grew from an initial proof of concept with three iPads used by the DevRel team to a dozen iPads spread across teams, including the Sales team and the Customer Solutions team.

External collaboration

  • Worked with various prospects to adapt open-source projects to run on
  • These collaborations produced proof-of-concept projects to demonstrate to prospects how they could use the PaaS offerings of to provide a SaaS offering using their projects.

Other duties

  • Documentation: Collaborated with other members of the Developer Relations team, Engineering teams, and Product teams to write and review documentation. This included user documentation, blog posts highlighting new features and releases, and tutorials for using the product.
  • Conference attendance: Manned sponsored booths at various tech conferences to present the product to prospective customers. After a few conferences, I had my booth pitch down to a tight five minutes that many of my colleagues modeled their own pitches on.
  • Managed the team’s Jira projects.
  • With the Chief DevRel Officer, interviewed candidates for open positions on the DevRel team.

Technical Writer & Python Cloud Engineer

In addition to duties listed for the above role, implemented minor features in the product. The API project listed above began while I held this title.



Technical Writer

  • Wrote highly-personalized outreach emails to SWE candidates on behalf of clients
  • Edited other writers’ emails to ensure consistent output quality
  • Developed reusable pitches and blurbs to streamline team-wide writing processes
  • Assisted other writers with improving their comprehension of technical and engineering concepts

Western University


Graduate Researcher


Worked under the mentorship of Dr. Debra Jared, Professor of Psychology.

  • Developed algorithm in Python for quantifying visual similarity of Chinese characters (and presented work at PyCon Canada 2016)
  • Designed and implemented process for automated extraction of the most “typical” sentences from a large online corpus for use as sentence stimuli in reading experiment
  • Developed set of Python packages to insert gzipped Google Ngrams Simplified Chinese database dumps (several TB uncompressed) into Elasticsearch without needing to store or decompress files locally, resulting in a final size of about 150GB
  • Developed self-paced reading experiment from scratch using PsychoPy

Graduate Teaching Assistant

  • Programmed experiments and statistical analyses for student research projects
  • Led a tutorial section comprising reviews of course content, discussion questions, and reviews of recent assignments

Center for Language Science, Penn State University


Research Assistant

Worked under the mentorship of Dr. Eleonora Rossi, Assistant Professor of Linguistics.

As an NSF PIRE 2014 Undergraduate Fellow, designed and implemented a behavioral paradigm to investigate the effects a language learner’s native orthography can have on how the learner encodes novel phonological information; tested subjects at Beijing Normal University in summer 2014 and at Penn State in fall 2014.

Penn State Dance Marathon


Technology Captain

  • Collaborated with six other developers to implement a complete system overhaul of the internal information system used by tens of thousands of volunteers each year
  • Implemented key features such as the medication and medical information tracking system in use during the 46-hour no-sitting, no-sleeping dance marathon weekend
  • Volunteered as part of Technology Committee for Penn State Dance Marathon to raise money for pediatric cancer care and research

Language Acquisition Lab, Penn State University


Contract Eyelink Programmer

Penn State Intensive English Communication Program (IECP)


Volunteer ESL Tutor

Penn State University


Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Center for Academic Achievement, Penn State Beaver




Penn State University

2011 to 2015

Linguistics, B.Phil.

Bachelor of Philosophy

Psychology, B.A.

Bachelor of Arts

Western University

2015 to 2017

Cognitive Psychology

[Incomplete] Master's Degree, All But Thesis
Completed research and all coursework requirements, but withdrew before completion of thesis.